Can I participate in an SIU Bridges to Oral Cultures Training?

Have you ever thought, “Can I participate in a SIU Bridges to Oral Cultures Training?” Do you know someone who might like to join a training? Through our new partnership with TRAIN International, we have an opportunity for you. You are invited to participate in a SIU Bridges to Oral Cultures Training without having to travel overseas. This is a truly unique opportunity that doesn’t come along often.

Daniel, a participant in an SIU Bridges to Oral Cultures training event here in the United States wrote, “A few weeks ago, I participated in a ‘storying’ training….After the storying training, I decided…[to] give this simple storying method a try….The kids were engaged in the story, and when it came time to answer questions from the story, it became immediately clear that they had listened incredibly well.”

Whether you are interested in attending the training or not, I think you will be blessed to read the rest of Daniel’s story of his experience using the tools he gained through the Bridges to Oral Cultures training.