Our deceased brother in Christ had been equipped and discipled by Scriptures In Use workers in secure and secret trainings in both 2016 and 2017. He was being used by God in marvelous ways among family, friends, neighbors and even Mosque leaders, as he lovingly and carefully shared his newfound faith in Jesus and stories from his new Holy Book, the Bible. Our colleague leaves behind his widow and six children, as well as many disciples who were just beginning to hear about the message of Jesus and the Kingdom of God.
Such is the tribulation that many of our Scriptures In Use partners in five Central and Southwest Asian Islamic republics regularly face. Tragedy is not unknown to these courageous followers of Jesus, but as they faithfully serve God, there is also triumph after triumph! We, at Scriptures In Use, are blessed and encouraged as we hear of many unbelieving individuals and families coming to know Jesus through the witness of these largely underground believers whom we have trained.
With this blog posting, we are making a prayerful appeal to you as our partners, support team members and interested friends to join us in aiding the Central and West Asian Church in tangible ways.
charitable gifts will be for immediate relief to the widows, orphans and dependents of recently martyred and severely injured Church Planters.
Would you consider giving a special year-end gift to Scriptures in Use
to bless and support with us these courageous believers?