Please take time to listen to this short audio file as it blessed and encouraged me much and hopefully it will do the same for you
How did this couple’s testimony impact you? Are you spending time listening for and seeking the Lord with the needs of your spouse or close family? What is keeping you from moving past some possible strongholds in growing in a deeper relationship with the Lord?
I’m interested in hearing from you and what these questions mean to you.
Thank you for sharing the story, it assures me that the Spirit of Christ is upon and within this ministry. Jesus is alive and working in and through His church around the world. Praise the Lord!
Greetings Fred,
Thank you so much for your encouragment. “Scripture Engagement” through the Oral Arts with local grassroots leaders like Shawn & Nancy is happening all around the world! Thank you, Lord Jesus, Isa al Masih! God bless, Kent