Keep the Mo Going
In the first few months we already have close to a dozen new supporters and over half of this $20,000 goal raised toward this challenge. We want to continue expanding the awareness of this opportunity to join SIU in meeting the need of reaching and engaging the remaining approximately 3.5 billion unreached people who have not yet heard of Jesus in their native, mother tongue language and have not engaged in His life-giving gospel message through Bible stories.
In my days of playing athletic sports, after a big moment of success where we did something right, the coaches would often yell loudly at me and my teammates, “Let’s keep the momentum going!” which would later be shortened to “Let’s keep the Mo going!” It was inspiring and would push us to finish what we started and to do it well. We would like to see this happen with the current new donor matching challenge. Why? Funding our training events produces incredible results!
Amazing Story from the Harvest Fields
One of our partners recently shared that one of their local leaders, Mishak, who has been through our SIU Bridges training, is sharing Bible stories with the local drunks. Pasco, a local drunk heard a story and asked Mishak to come to his house and share a story with his family. One of the people who heard the story at the house then told the same story in his neighborhood. One of the witch doctors heard it. This witch doctor burned all his witchcraft stuff after hearing the story. After getting baptized, he went to Pascoe and shared the same story that Mishak told at the house. This transformed witch doctor was feared by the people in his village because he was involved in killing people, lying, and taking their money. He had caused so much conflict that people had left his village. Then the people heard that the witch doctor’s life was changed and those who left the village came back. Now Pasco and the transformed witch doctor have planted 46 house churches in their neighborhoods. They are working together as a team sharing Bible Stories.
This update is so encouraging to me. The Word of God, shared through oral storytelling and dialogue, truly has great power and impact!
“For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires” Hebrews 4:12 (NLT)
We would like to continue the training requests that keep coming to our Mission. So let me ask you:
“Would you consider sharing this new donor matching challenge opportunity with others?
Thanks for your prayers and we are so grateful for each of you as we seek to finish the task of the Great Commission in oral cultures.
Kent thank you so much for sharing this good report. We are so encouraged that new people are giving toward this matching grant. This is a wonderful opportunity to be involved in missions -very strategic missions. So often believers in the States shared with us their disappointment in never going to the field in obedience to the great commission. They didn’t realize the importance of their role back home, giving and praying. And sharing what is happening with others. When witch doctors are born again and their lives transformed, when evil and fear are replaced by the light of the Gospel , we need to take notice and as you say, keep the momentum going.
Amen and agree dear Carla! Thank you so much your’s and Jim’s prayers and your continued financial support. I thank God for your family and how much you understand the need of “the least of these” and your compassionate drive for the lost! ALL Glory to God! Blessings, Kent