Scriptures In Use equips oral people to make disciples who experience God through His Word in their own heart language and cultural communication forms.
SIU and our Partners are reaching unreached people groups through Bible storytelling and Oral Bible strategies. God is using this strategy to help launch movements of disciples making disciples and churches planting churches.
Orality Worshops Hosted by Scriptures In Use
How do I engage Scripture with Oral Learners? Friday 2 PM Come and discover the lost art of accurate Bible Storytelling – reproducible, sustainable, & transformational for ANYONE – regardless of literacy and education levels.
Do you REALLY understand Oral Cultures? (90% of Unreached) Saturday 9 AM We’ll discuss the values & functions of how Oral Cultures work so we can better adjust our tools & strategies to match our audience.
Do I do ministry like Jesus? – “He answered with a story” Saturday 4 PM Let’s take a fresh look at Jesus’ ministry model and see how our own ministry methods compare. “Everyone Who is Fully Trained will be like his Teacher.” Luke 6:40
All sessions at Central Bank Center, MR13
Are You Ready To Partner With Heroes?
Are you looking for a unique Great Commission model?
Become an SIU International Trainer and join a small team of US based trainers who partner with a huge network of local champions around the world. SIU International Trainers do not serve as direct storytellers or church planters. Rather, they train others who become the storytellers and church planters, and equip them to train others who train others. This multiplies the impact for Kingdom movement.
SIU International Bridges Trainers work with indigenous partner ministries and national leaders to train the “Bridges” oral training strategy which serves as a catalyst for disciple-making and church planting movements among oral cultures.
SIU International Trainers work with SIU partners through international field trainings, face to face meetings, and ongoing communication. SIU International Trainers reside in the US, mostly in the greater Tucson, AZ area. Annual travel consists of about four international trips per year, typically three weeks in duration.
The Word of God is living and active! Come gain skills and practice in learning, memorizing, and sharing the Gospel through a powerful and intentional process that tailors to the needs of the people you are befriending.
Kent Kiefer is the CEO & Executive Director of Scriptures in Use (SIU). He has over 20 years of International Ministry experience; in his eighth year with SIU, and previously four years with a faith-based International Missions’ Sending Agency (“ABWE”) and eight years with a faith-based International Parachurch ministry (“Focus on the Family”).
Kent has a heart and passion for “reaching the unreached” and believes strongly that the oral arts, communication bridges training approach designed specifically for the indigenous men and women of peace around the world is one of the most effective means to reach the nations with the Gospel.
Kent is widowed after his wife Melissa (“Missy”) was promoted into Glory in November ‘21 after a 14-year battle with Parkinsons Disease, and has four children (two college age and two teenagers). The Kiefers are involved with two local churches with the body of Christ in Southeast Tucson (“Grace Church of Sahuarita” and “Pantano Christian”).