It’s at those difficult times in your story where you really discover who and what you depend on.  I’ve been in that story, more times than I care to admit.  It’s never easy.  No matter how many times I get to that point.  I’ve been in those “transitional seasons” multiple times where what we used to see come in to help provide shelter and put food on the table suddenly disappears.  And you turn to your loved ones and ask, “What are we going to do?

Through “Story” the Lord reminds us where our dependence, our trust, our hope, our provision comes from.  One of our Essential 50 Biblical Stories in our Classic Bridges curriculum includes the Story of Elijah and how during a drought leading to a famine, God provides exactly what Elijah needs and when he needs it.  The 1 Kings 17 passage is rich with Story and starts with:

Elijah Announces a Great Drought

17 Now Elijah the Tishbite, from Tishbe[a] in Gilead, said to Ahab, “As the Lord, the God of Israel, lives, whom I serve, there will be neither dew nor rain in the next few years except at my word.”

Elijah Fed by Ravens

Then the word of the Lord came to Elijah: “Leave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan. You will drink from the brook, and I have directed the ravens to supply you with food there.”

So he did what the Lord had told him. He went to the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan, and stayed there. The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening, and he drank from the brook.

This story is amazing in many ways but I particularly like how God can use even small animals, like ravens, to provide what we need – even before we consider it or ask.  Then after the brook dries up in this passage, God provides more provision but this time through people but that is another Story to discover in 1 Kings 17:6-24.

As followers of Jesus, we know where our dependence and hope comes from.  It’s from the Lord, our Jehovah Jireh, provider of all.  Our prayers and trust in HIM do release HIS provision and it’s on HIS timeframe not ours.  The waiting, the seeking, the asking, the patience, the moments of true trust and dependence on HIM and waiting for HIM to show up, has matured me the most in my life.  What I’ve experienced in what many would call “dark times” are HIS caring, compassionate love, and timely intervention at my breaking point.  I have been truly surprised by checks that show up in the exact amount I needed to pay a bill or a financial gift that allows me to continue travel to minister to a friend in need.  Many times (ok, most of the time) this provision comes at the very last moment just right before I start to cancel a trip or call a creditor or to just throw my hands-up and give up.

So who and what are you depending on these days?  Turn to the one who provides ALL and He will not let you down.  Just like Elijah turned to the Lord and obeyed His commands and God provided water with a brook and bread and meat through ravens.  Everything is under His command.

22 replies
    • Kent Kiefer
      Kent Kiefer says:

      Hi Jeff,

      Great to hear from you and thanks for reading our SIU Blog. Looking forward to connecting with you in the near future. Blessings on your ministry endeavors.
      In Christ, Kent

  1. Ryan Christian
    Ryan Christian says:

    Great read Kent. Thanks for the great reminders and the personal aspects of your story.
    No one really wants to be the guy that never has a struggle, rises to the top with little effort and drives off the car lot in a brand new Mercedes in the last scene. That would be the worst movie ever! We want God stories, usually, well… until we are actually smack dab in the middle of one. But really, faith stories require, well, faith. Usually there is a trial in there somewhere and a whole lot of questions, but in the end God stories end with God and His glory revealed to the world!

    • Kent Kiefer
      Kent Kiefer says:

      Dear Ryan,
      Amen! We love those comeback stories but would prefer to bypass the most difficult scenes especially when we are the main character. The Lord loves to grow us the most in the midst of the storm. Thank you for your HIDEOUT ministries and how it “refreshes and renews” so many missionary families from around the world.
      In Christ, Kent

  2. Haskell
    Haskell says:

    Bless you Kent and family. Your blog is a great reminder of Gods love, faithfulness, and provision. “Every good gift is from above…”
    We miss you and Missy.
    Love you guys.
    E C

  3. Mitch Willett
    Mitch Willett says:

    Great to hear from you, Kent. God’s provision for his children is on His time and for me it comes after I’ve exhausted all of my resources. I think He wants it to be perfectly clear who gets the glory – Him!

  4. Shayla
    Shayla says:

    I receive this Word in Jesus Name. Father, no matter how high the heat gets turned up, I WILL TRUST YOU LORD, for You and ONLY You are my PROVIDER. Glory! Hallelujah and Amen.

    • Kent Kiefer
      Kent Kiefer says:

      Greetings dear Shayla,

      AMEN to your response! I also join you in seeking our Lord and TRUSTING in HIM and HIS perfect plan and nothing else. Praying for you and that our God of all comfort and joy would surround you and fill you with HIS peace. Much Love In Christ, Kent

    • Kent Kiefer
      Kent Kiefer says:

      Thank you, Martin. “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26 (NIV)

      In Christ, Kent

  5. Elijah Carroll
    Elijah Carroll says:

    Hi Kent,
    I just recently announced my calling to the ministry at 15yrs old and managed to stumble across this page! You are truly blessed to be able to do things like this and to be able to witness to people Christians and nonchristians alike. I hope to be able to continue reading your work


    • Kent Kiefer
      Kent Kiefer says:

      Greetings Elijah,
      That so exciting to hear! And you are right, it is a GREAT Blessing to be able to be a disciple-maker and part of God’s eternal and growing Kingdom. I would love to hear more about your personal story and testimony. If you feel led by the Spirit to privately share more with me, please do so at

      I will be praying much for you and this next season of your journey with the Lord! And I love your name as it goes with one of the most beloved Prophets of the Bible. God bless, Kent

  6. Ben Davies
    Ben Davies says:

    A great way to fuel the faith for all. Interestingly, God put limitation on rain or dew coming to Israel which subsequently led to famine as the fields wouldn’t have the water required to bring forth fruits. As we all know the source of this: Israel stayed away from the worship of the true God. Elijah, the only person who continued to worship God, drew closer to the Lord. Then God did the most amazing things for his faith and recognition as the God who had always delivered and protected Israel. There was no food, God but used the ravens as chefs to serve Elijah on the Lord’s table! There was no water in the land, but God provided for Elijah a brook, just for one man! God supplied water for the Prophet in a brook while a whole nation thirst for water. The closer we get to God, the more he does amazing things that would remained incomprehensible. The closer we get to God, God does not hold back using everything thing he made, birds,cattle,even our fellow humans to declare his glory and power. We at Friends of Christ Ministries Of All People encourage all of us to have faith by believing to see that with God nothing is impossible. Amen

    • Kent Kiefer
      Kent Kiefer says:

      Greetings Greg,

      Thanks for this encouragement and YES! The Stories of the Prophet Elijah are so powerful and have many good applications for our walk with the Lord. Blessing to you and your ministry endeavors, Warmly in Christ, Kent

  7. Femi Oluwaseun Babington-Ashaye
    Femi Oluwaseun Babington-Ashaye says:

    Thank you for this Sir. I am currently trusting in God for his timely provision and I know this process is making me a more mature christian and person.

    • Kent Kiefer
      Kent Kiefer says:

      That is a good place to be, dear Femi. Our Lord wants us to grow in the grace and knowledge of HIM and trusting and depending on HIM for everything!

      Thanks for reading and engaging in this blog and I will be praying for you.

      Blessings and Merry Christmas! (posted Dec. 23, 2020)

  8. Gabriel H. Jasper
    Gabriel H. Jasper says:

    While thinking how to overcome a situation, Child is born today and the grandmother, presumptive caretaker ( from child’s mother side) dies today, my Mother is seriously sick and there is no money to cater to my mother situation and try giving up, but my instinct Instructed me to browse chromes to search for biblical story on God’s provision and this article was chosen. Now my trust in God has been built despite of what I go through now, if God has provided for Elijah at that time he can do the same for me today. Thanks ever so much for this inspiring Article.

    • Kent Kiefer
      Kent Kiefer says:

      Greetings Gabriel,
      Thanks for sharing this very personal story of how God meets you where your need arises. He is our provider, our Jehovah Jirah, the one who provides ALL! Praying for you and your family. Blessings, Kent

  9. Wendy
    Wendy says:

    God gives His endowments without segregation. The supporters of Jesus are offspring of God, and they should show the family similarity by doing great to all, even to the individuals who merit the inverse.

  10. Monica King
    Monica King says:

    Please join me & your WHOLE COMMUNITY in this prayer this season. Thank you ALL.
    Dear God, Prince of Peace,
    As we celebrate & look forward to Your coming birth celebration this month of December, we ask that You move mightily across & around the Earth to PERMANENTLY establish PEACE on Earth.

    Specifically we ask that You render USELESS & COMPLETELY DYSFUNCTIONAL ALL NUCLEAR WEAPONS, BIOCHEMICAL WEAPONS, ASSAULT WEAPONS, & ALL the locks & buttons & doors, & rooms where they are hidden, so nobody can access & use them, now or ever again.

    We pray this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen


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