This local community leader shared the following testimony at the end of the training:
“Thank you for this Bridges For Neighbors training. We feel very empowered and have new knowledge. This is very different from other trainings. This training is very deep and full. Some things we are going to do: We are going to start with the stories of the Fall of Man and continue through the Prophet stories. We are also going to train the existing church members and team members how to use this storytelling method. The task is too big for me to do all by myself. We also want to play traditional music with traditional instruments. I live in a community that uses traditional art and music. They have asked me to lead this group. Most of the people in my area are farmers and will respond very well to this!”
The story and message of Christ is contagious
Leaders like this young man will now take back to their communities the Bible stories memorized in their own language and the Oral Arts exercises, including drama, dance, music and song, they learned in the trainings. They will use them with their own families and neighbors too. The Gospel is truly spreading through these men and women of peace (now SIU partners). These men and women are located across Southeast Asia. BUT we have a long way to go! These emerging and new partners need funding. Without funding they will not be able to train more local believers how to effectively communicate God’s message to unreached, oral culture-based people groups.
A unique year-end blessing offered to SIU will triple gift what you give
Recently, we were blessed—and challenged—by a generous foundation. The foundation has pledged to match every dollar given by year-end to SIU’s work in Southeast Asia. They are matching each dollar given 2 to 1, up to $40,000.
That means, if we raise $40,000 from caring friends like you, the foundation will contribute another $80,000. This money, a total of $120,000, will be used to train indigenous partners in Southeast Asia to take the Gospel to people who have never heard it before. We will train these new leaders to communicate Bible stories in a way that resonates with unreached and unengaged hearts!
As we approach the last days of 2018, we know you will have many opportunities to be generous with all that the Lord has provided to you. We ask your prayerful consideration in joining us to reach the unreached in Southeast Asia with a generous year-end gift. Your gift will help to meet this amazing foundation challenge. Your gift will not just be doubled—it will be tripled!
Please visit our website to give today! or click the GIVE link at the top of this page.